Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Image Resolutions

The holiday season is closing, and many of us are contemplating our resolutions and reflecting upon the past year. You might be asking yourself, "What can I do better in the coming year? How can I improve at home, work or socially?" You might even ask, "Could my style use an update, or should I freshen my image?"

How will you keep your new year's resolution(s) this coming year? Will you stay focused and achieve your goal(s)? Will you treat yourself to what you deserve? Will you make time for yourself? Will you take charge of your life and your style? It's time for you to treat yourself to a StyleLife consultation today!!!

Phone: (618) 401-1434
Please email or call me with any quetions, comments, concerns or if you would like to book an appointment. Thank you, and remember...
(c) 2007 CB All Rights Reserved.

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